Meek Dad Adventures

Meek Dad Adventures

By Alpkit

Remembering the legacy of Daddy Meek, a tribute to a beloved companion and friend.

The Meek family have set out to inspire kids and indeed the whole family, to get out and make more time for the outdoors. They showed a passion when they stood up in an open mic session at our Big Shakeout in 2013 and they've gone on to campiagn extensively over the last year or two. In celebration of fathers day we asked the girls for a memorable Daring Deed they had with their dad that got them so inspired to love getting outdoors. Follow their adventures and find more ideas for just getting out there over at Do Try This At Home

Amy (11)

I'll never forget an adventure that I completed with my dad when I was 8 years old, called 'Take on the element's'. A few years ago, my family and I completed 100 family adventures and this adventure was one of them - except the challenge in question I did with only my dad.

It should have just been an enjoyable and relatively easy walk up to the wreckage of an aeroplane on Bleaklow. But, as many others may know, the British weather is not always to be trusted and it was foul right from the start. Yet we didn't let this stop us - and that's why this challenge is called 'Take on the elements'. We trudged along the muddy Doctor's Gate path towards the Pennine Way, chatting about the peat formations and ‘groughs’ that cut into the boggy moorland. The rain splattered feebly onto our hoods but that was soon to change.

As we reached the plateau the rain hammered down and the wind whipped up a gale. My dad and I trekked along - he was practically keeping me on the floor by holding my hand as we walked, to prevent me from blowing away like a paper bag on a gusty day. Our Labrador, Sally, however, was being buffeted around quite badly, but still she powered on with rough dogged determination. Visibility, at times, was limited to a few strides ahead and this wasn't helped by the map-case, which was flapping around like a demented bat and whipping me in the face in the process. The rain was horizontal, hitting us so hard in the face that it felt like hail. Even the puddles that punctured the path acted like miniature seas, with waves racing from one side to the other. Eventually, we had to turn back from the merciless weather before it got too dangerous.

We never made it to the wreckage we had set out to explore, but regardless, we drove home in a happy mood. Not only had we had a proper adventure, we had enjoyed it too. My dad had managed to keep my spirits up throughout the walk without being a sergeant major, powering me on, keeping me warm and making the hard yet important decision to turn back. It was thanks to dad that the weather never dampened our spirits. And so, despite the horrid conditions, I can look back fondly on that adventure that we did together on that wild day in the Peak District.

Ella (9)

My dad is very determined and motivational.

I remember the time that my sister was ill and we'd recently been learning about the local wind turbines above Carsington Water in the Peak District. We wanted to trek there to see them from up-close.

It was a bit nerve-racking really, walking somewhere we weren't sure we were allowed to go. It was a lovely walk on a grass footpath until we decided to venture off the path.Climbing steep scrambles, we tried to avoid snagging our waterproof leggings on the thistles, brambles and rocks in between us and the turbines. My hood wasdrenched from the rain beating on my head. The wind whipped my face and my walking boots were covered in mud. My socks were squelching in the rain water that had sneaked in through the tongue at the top of my boot. I could see the raindrops trickling off the front of my hood. My hands were in my pockets, numb with cold even with gloves on. I watched the dark clouds rolling towards us.
How did I get through this?
Dad helped me, he pushed me on. He stood in front of me acting as a wind breaker. He stopped to put an extra layer on me, gave me an extra pair of gloves. We played games and made each other laugh. Without dad I wouldn't have got to the top and stood right below the turbines - my back against the huge pole and looking up at all the features we had learnt about.

So, thanks dad.

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