Moments of Kindness

Moments of Kindness

By Alex Guerrero

We love being outside. We love sharing the joy that the outdoors gives us - it connects us. So we asked you what moments of kindness you've experienced in the outdoors. Here's a few of our favourites.

We love being outside. We love sharing the joy that the outdoors gives us - it connects us. So we asked you what moments of kindness you've experienced in the outdoors.

We were wilting

"Many years ago, my wife and I were cycling across Australia and nearing Penong, after crossing the Nullabor. It was 44°C and we were wilting. A car coming the other way slowed down and moved across the road towards us. The driver's window came down and a hand came out holding two ice cold cans of Coca Cola. He said nothing, except for a nodding smile, as he handed them over. They were our saviour for the final kms into Penong and air conditioning." - David

Words of encouragement

"I was cycling up Honister Pass today from Buttermere, on a fabulous ride around the beautiful Lake District, but found the gradient towards the final part of ascent just too much for me. I walked up the steepest part pushing my was STEEP!

The gradient calmed down a bit so got back on the bike to cycle the last couple hundred yards to the summit. However it was still steep and I just couldn’t get my bike rolling to clip in again. I was tired and ended up falling off with a thud. Bruised right hip and elbow. Handle bar scratches, too.

A lovely older lady was driving down and stopped to check I was alright. I said I was, even though I felt like crying! But she gave me words of encouragement and settled me down so I was able to carry on with a calmer mind and actually cycle to the top.

Thanks to that lady I could enjoy the rest of my ride back to Keswick." - Tracey

Mid-race hydration

slovenian alps
slovenian alps

"Driving a tiny one-litre hire car through the Slovenian Alps during the Transcontinental Cycle Race, we passed many cyclists completing a particularly gruelling leg of the race. We found one cyclist by the side of the road - still vertical, but stopped half-collapsed over his crossbar looking totally exhausted. I halted the car and suggested to my girlfriend that he looked like he could use a hand. She opened the door and jogged up to him to give him a two-litre bottle of water and a big bar of Milka. It turned out that he had run out of water and was totally exhausted. He'd been considering pulling out of the race but after that, he felt able to continue. He hugged her, with tears in his eyes, before my girlfriend jogged back to the car and we drove off up the mountain. I hope he finished the race!" - Adam

Snickers snack

"In 2019, I was walking the Offa's Dyke Path. I was doing it in aid of the Multiple Sclerosis Charity and aiming to complete it in 12 days. I was camping along the route so had a monstrous amount of weight on my back AND it was during the July heatwave!

I met so many friendly people along the way but a couple who were visiting from The USA left a lasting impression. They overtook me walking up a hill as I was practically crawling on my hands and knees. When I got to the next stile, they’d left a Snickers chocolate bar on the post for me. A small gesture that really made my day.

I met them further along the route again where they then treated me to dinner at a pub so I donated the cost of my meal to the charity too. It was a wonderful experience with so many fond memories."

Just like Bear Grylls


"I was walking the West Highland Way on a filthy hot day and stopped to open a tin of all day breakfast. With no tin opener, sat cross-legged, I was rubbing the lid on a stone to file it off. That's when I realised a couple with a young kid were watching me. I explained what I was doing, and the father said to his son: "Look, just like Bear Grylls, and they went on their way. Five minutes later, I looked up and the woman was walking back to me. She handed me a cupcake. It still makes me smile four years later." - Peter

An offer I couldn't refuse

"On a cold and wet November day back in 2018, I had just walked five munros in Glen Lyon. Taking my total to 141, the half way mark and my goal for 2018. Now it was time for the 50-mile cycle to the train station at Dunkeld.

10 miles in to my cycle, my rear derailleur decided to snap off at the hanger and I didn't have any tools to remove it. Stuck with the bike, I was resigned to the fact that I was going to have to push it for the next 40 miles. But I had my camping gear with me so didn't have to rush! I took my time walking along a busy A road towards Aberfeldy.

After an hour or two of this, a van pulled over and offered me a lift to Aberfeldy. I jumped at the chance. Once in Aberfeldy, I thanked the driver and was on my way again. Looking at the maps, I still had another 30 miles to go - a 6+ hour walk with the bike. On the way out of town, I didn't realise the route I had chosen was so hilly. After a few hours of this, when it was getting very dark and scary walking along this roads with cars doing 50mph, a car stopped. Heading back towards Aberfeldy, he asked if I needed a hand. I said I was OK and he was heading the wrong way and off he went.

45 minutes later, the same driver stopped offering a lift again. I couldn't refuse as it turns out the man had gone home emptied his car to fit my bike in. What a hero! After the ups and downs of the day, I was so tired and glad of the help. The man gave me a lift the rest of the way - probably 15 miles, what a guy! - and got me to the train station on time for the last train. He even offered to go to a chippy for food. I will never forgot the kindness of this man and always pay it forward when I'm out." - Paul

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