GRI Content Index to Alpkit 2023 Sustainability Report

GRI Content Index to Alpkit 2023 Sustainability Report

By David Hanney

Our sustainability report gives insight into the GRI Content Index, showcasing our commitment to responsible business, environmental impact, and progress.

Our 2023 Sustainability Report uses the GRI standards framework.

GRI is the Global Reporting Initiative that sets out best practice for how businesses communicate and demonstrate accountability for their impacts, ecomony and people.

GRI requires that businesses publish a GRI Content Index that references their standards and relevant disclosures.

GRI content index

Statement of use: Alpkit Limited has reported in accordance with the GRI Standards for the year to 31 October 2022

GRI 1 used GRI 1: Foundation 2021

Applicable GRI Sector Standards Not applicable

GRI Standard

Disclosure Reference


Further information

GR2 General Disclosures

2-1 Organisational details

Alpkit Limited


United Kingdom

Company Number 05146091

Details can be found on Companies House website

2-2 Entities included

Alpkit Limited

Details can be found on Companies House website

2-3 Reporting period

Year to 31 October 2021 unless otherwise stated

2-4 Restatements of information

Our carbon footprint has been updated as we develop and improve our methodology with no material change.


2-5 External assurance

Our sustainability report has not been independently verified. However we are a certified B Corp, a member of Living Wage Foundation and have emission reduction targets set by Science Based Targets Initiative. Our carbon footprint methodology has been verified and Life Cycle Analysis conducted by Nottingham Trent University.


2-6 Activities, brands, products, services

Alpkit is a direct-to-consumer performance outdoor and bike brands trading under the Alpkit and Sonder brands

About Us

2-7 Employees

See Sustainability Report link

Build a better business

2-8 Workers who are not employees

Not applicable

2-9 Governance and structure

Alpkit has a Board of Directors comprising 2 non-executive directors, 4 co-founders and 2 executive directors.

Details can be found on Companies House website

2-10 Nomination and selection of highest governing body

Directors are appointed in line with our articles of association disclosed on Companies House

Details can be found on Companies House website

2-11 Chair of the highest governance body

Our Chair is a non-executive director

2-12 Role of highest governance in management of impacts

Our Board meets monthly and reviews our impacts; the work of our Sustainability Group and our Sustainability Reports

2-13 Delegation of responsibility for managing impacts

Our Sustainability Group a sub-committee of the Board and includes our CEO and MD. The group includes representation from all levels across the business.

2-14 Role of highest governance in sustainability reporting

The CEO & Board is responsible for our sustainability report

2-15 Conflicts of interest

Our Board complete annual conflict of interest declarations and invited to declare conflicts at each Board. No conflicts have been noted.

2-16 Communication of critical concerns

We have a confidential reporting and whistle blowing policy. No concerns have been raised.

2-17 Collective knowledge of highest governing body

We have a group of experts that inform our Board on relevant issues.

2-18 Evaluation of performance of highest governing body

Our Board carries out an annual skills review and performance evaluation.

2-19 Remuneration policies

See our report for details of pay levels

Build a better business

2-20 Process to determine remuneration

We compare market rates and pay grades to ensure fair pay.

2-21 Annual total compensation ration

See our report for details of pay levels

Build a better business

2-22 Statement on sustainability strategy

See sustainability report


2-23 Policy commitments

See sustainability report


2-24 Embedding policy commitments

Our team has individual sustainability objectives set as part of our annual planning process. Progress is reviewed by our Sustainability Group.


2-25 Process to remediate negative impacts

We have adopted the B Corp framework as our primary tool to assess our negative impacts and use the framework to reduce our negative impacts and increase our positive impacts each year.


2-26 Mechanism for seeking advice and raising concerns

We have a confidential reporting and whistle blowing policy. No concerns have been raised.

2-27 Compliance with laws and regulation

No legal or regulatory compliance issues have been noted.

2-28 Membership of associations

B Corp

Living Wage Foundation

Science Based Targets


Single Use Plastics Project


2-29 Approach to stakeholder engagement

We have a stakeholder engagement plan that includes customers, shareholders, staff, community and suppliers. We review the plan annually and includes participation, consultation and sharing of information.

2-30 Collective bargaining agreements

Not applicable.

GR3 – Material Topics

3-1 Process to identify material topics

Our topics are identified annual by:

- Financial impacts analysis

- Peer review

- Annual consultation with staff, shareholders and customers

- Supplier meetings and review

- Engaging external experts and support

- Sustainability Group review


3-2 List of material topics

See separate report


3-3 Management of material topics

See separate report


GRI 201 Economic Impact

201 Economic Impact

Our audited full annual accounts for year ended 31 October 2022 will be filed at Companies House by its due date of 31 July 2023.

Details can be found on Companies House website

GRI202 Market Presence

202 Market Presence

See our sustainability report for details of our Gender Pay Gap.

Build a better business

GR204 Procurement


42% of our procurements is spent with local suppliers

GR205 Anti-corruption


Internal assessment and training carried out. No issues noted

GR206 Anti-competitive behaviour




207-1 Tax

We are committed to pay our fair share of tax

GRI 301 Materials

301 – 1 Materials by weight

112 tonnes

301-2 Recycled materials used

Approx. 44 tonnes (est)

GRI 302 Energy

302-1 Energy consumption

389MWh electricity and 23MWh natural gas

Our carbon footprint

GRI 305 Emissions

305-1 Direct (Scope 1)

See carbon footprint

305-2 Indirect Energy (Scope 2)

See carbon footprint

305-3 Other indirects (Scope 3)

See carbon footprint

305-4 GHG intensity

See carbon footprint

305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions

See carbon footprint

GRI 306 Waste

306-3 Waste generated

421,700 liters of waste with zero to landfill operators


GRI 308 Supplier Environmental Screening

308-1 Suppliers screened using environmental critera

Annual review of our suppliers against our internal environmental matrix


GRI 401 Employment

401-1 Employment data

See sustainability report

Build a better business

GRI 405 Diversity

405-1 Diveristy of employees

See sustainability report

Build a better business

GRI413 Local Communities

413-1 Operations with local community engagement

See sustainability report

Give Back

GRI418 Customer privacy

418-1 Substantiated complaints concerning breaches of customer

privacy and losses of customer data

None noted

Management of material topics

Sustainability Principle

Material Topic


How we manage the topic

Reduce Reuse Repair Recycle

A. Make world class performance products

Long-lasting durable products that perform and rated at least 4.7 on average out of 5 by our customers

Customer review, returns and focus group analysis that feeds into our product development porgram

B. Minimise resource consumption - including plastic free packaging

Aim for significant reduction in resource reduction in inputs year-on-year.

Track through tools Higg, product specific LCAs and internal analysis. Track waste outputs.

C. Extend product life – long lasting repairable products

Make long lasting products. Take responsibility to repair and product end-of-life.

Product development process has a specific durable outcome.

D. Actively encourage reuse and repair

Increase the number of repairs we carry out each year.

Repair stations in each store.

E. Move to circular economy – make products that are ultimately recyclable

Use our take back scheme to re-use first and repair and ultimately recyclable.

Introduce recycling streams for difficult to recycle products (eg neoprene and down). Track the volume of product

Respect Our Environment

F. Reduce GHG emissions – the decarbonization of Alpkit

Deliver on SBTi emission reduction targets to be net zero by 2050.

15% year-on-year reduction in carbon intensity.

G. Choose lower impact materials and production processes – recycled and/or environmentally certified materials

Moving to lower impact products as appropriate: recycled, sustainably source, environmentally/ethically certified. Collating research and inhouse R&D.

Through our product development process

H. Eliminate the use of toxic chemicals

Understand chemicals and toxins used in our supply chain and seek lower impact alternatives. Understand waste streams at out suppliers and mills to reduce impact. Remediate impact.

Through our product development process

I. Reduce travel and commuting

Introduce green commute schemes, hybrid and flexible working. Calculate emissions of travel with target to reduce.

J. Build positive workplace lifestyles: green our working lives

Look to improve our workplaces with initiatives to generate our own electricity, reduce energy consumption and waste.

Treat Animals Humanely

K. Only use animal products when necessary and, when we do, use the most humane farming methods

Minimise the use of animal products so we only use when there is a demonstrable technical performance benefit. Choose certified humane farming methods where possible.

Through our product development process

L. Minimise our use of animal products and convert to great quality alternatives as soon as they come along

We will move away from animal products where quality substitutes allow.

Through our product development process

M. A long term goal is to provide performance products without using animals anywhere

A long term goal is to not use animal products at all in our products.

Through our product development process

Work with people we believe in

N. Protect human rights and improve social justice

Adhere to labour standards and understand Fair Wear, Sustainable Apparel Coalition and Ethical Trading Initiative standards so we can apply them even though not formal members.

O. Alleviate poverty – improve labour conditions

Know how much our workers are being paid and make sure they are ahead of local living wage levels.

P. Prohibit modern slavery

Partnering with appropriate factories.

Q. Prohibit materials from conflict zones

Partnering with appropriate factories.

R. Develop a strategy to move production away from oppressive regimes in a controlled and fair way over the next 5 years

Understand the political regime where our factories are based and avoid oppressive regimes. Where we make in an oppressive regime then look to move away in the medium term without abandoning our current workers.

Build a better business

S. Increase diversity, equality and inclusivity in our work place

Monitor through our payroll and employment practice and policies.

Review of our recruitment and training procedures to increase diversity, equality and inclusivity.

T. Treat our staff fairly

Living Wage Foundation employer.

Regular staff survey, training and feedback through our appraisal system and team meetings.

U. Value-led governance

Embed our sustainability principles into everything we do and decision we make.

V. Fair and honest prices

Understand our costs and margin to ensure customers pay a fair price. Avoid greedy margins and do not seek to increase prices as a sustainability-premium

W. Pay our taxes with no off-shore tax structures

We are committed to pay our fair share of tax

X. Responsible brand and marketing

Do not market in inappropriate media. Reinforce positive messages in our marketing.

Brand and marketing documented in our marketing strategy.

Give Back

Y. Support grass roots projects that help people outside

Give min 1% of turnover or 10% of profits to support grass roots projects.

Alpkit Foundation report

Z. Improve education, environment, diversity and participation in the outdoors

Use charitable foundation to target education, environment, diversity, mental-health and wellbeing and participation in the outdoors.

Alpkit Foundation report


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