Detours, illness, and the Colorado Trail Race, navigating obstacles on a rugged trail.
Done! That was amazing. Super hard.
5 days 15hrs and 10th place, I think. Very ill the first few days but got myself sorted and nailed all the hard sections to make up a lot of time. Shame I added some bonus miles, but it least it was a fun ride.
Lots of people asked about 10th place. It’s a bit complicated as there was a detour early on that some riders took and others didn’t. Joey and I came in joint 9th over the line but I think I get a bit added on as he rode the actual trail but I took the detour. I think the 8th on the tracker doesn’t include the 2 girls that beat me. Dunno, doesn’t really matter. Happy with that.
Just had breakfast with a bunch of the racers and bought some non-lycra clothing. Very content.