Gifts Under £50

Gifts Under £50

Here are the best gifts under £50 for people who love spending time outdoors. We've looked through some of our favourites over the year as well as the products customers say they love the most. This is a list of guaranteed winners so Christmas Day will be stress-free from here on in!

Showing 7 products
Product type
Temperature rating



900 ml titanium cooking pot for soloists with large appetites
Lightweight, high back camping chair for car camping
Ultralight titanium cooking pot, perfect for solo adventurers
Self-inflating sleeping mat: torso length, 2.5cm thick, 450g
Lightweight, inflatable sleeping mat: full length, 8cm thick, 350g
3m x 3m square tarp for hammock camping or bivvying
Ultralight folding tarp pole

Gifts Under £50

Gift Cards

We're all very particular about our outdoor gear and we've all got different gaps that need filling or kit in need of an upgrade. We're a gift buying nightmare. Unless...

Physical Gift cards are ideal to hand over in person or hang under a tree. If you are lucky you might even win yourself a hug.

Buy your gift card here.

Gift Cards