Ed Pratt

Round the World Unicyclist and Alpkiteer

Ed Pratt


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Globe peddler, One wheelextraordinaire and adventurer based in the UK. Ed is a true adventurer, never shying away to explore our wild places in less conventional ways. If he's not out exploring the world on one wheel, then he's probably exploring it on two, or on foot, or water.or whatever he can think off. There isn't much that stops him from just getting out there.

When he was 19,Edset off to ride his unicycle alone and unsupported around the world. Three years and 22,000 miles later, he made it back to the UK, with a bank full of memories, friends anda full lap of the globe under his belt!

Ed has since taken on other plenty other adventures, both on one wheel and two, with a few water based too, where he followed his local river from source to sea with a blow-up kayak strapped to his 26kg pack.

We are chuffedto have Ed joining the Alpkit family and can't wait tobe apart of his upcoming adventures.

Catch all of Ed's expeditions on his YouTube Channel!