Supporting Tower View Primary School brings wild learning outdoors. Kids learn
The Alpkit Foundation is pleased to support Tower View Primary School in Burton Upon Trent. They would like the children (between the ages of 4 and 11) to experience wild camping, becoming confident in sleeping outdoors. The project aims to make use of the school’s extensive grounds, eventually developing a range of camping experiences, both in school time and out - including residential weekends. It s hoped that the children from this deprived area would be able to experience the outdoor and camping life, grow their confidence, and not be deterred by costs or distance away from home.It would also allow children to develop skills such as orienteering, team-building and understanding of the natural environment.
Andrew, from Tower View Primary, explains the importance of the project. “We are doing the projects for two reasons: a. We run two outdoor residential trips for year 4 and 6 every year.We heavily subsidise this, and allow any child to attend (even free of charge). However, this is limited by our funds and the area we serve has a high levelof deprived children who cannot afford this type of experience.
“b. We would like to develop our extensive grounds into a whole school learning environment; this has already begun with allotments for each class, Forest School provision for Years 1, 3, 6, and more adventurous P.E. such as archery.We are keen to introduce camping/ outdoor learning experiences into the school and non-school curriculum, so this would be part of this project.”
Tower View Primary School would like help from the Alpkit Foundation, to provide additional "life-experiences" to children who might otherwise not have them. The Alpkit Foundation is providing funding for tents, helping to kick start this exciting project.