Wise Up Residential
See those mountains over Morecambe Bay,have you ever been? I ask our youth community group. 10 heads shake 'no!'.
Since then (Sep 18), we have been looking at options for a residential trip for 3 days at Gyhll Headin Cumbria.Offering outdoor activities (rock climbing,zip wire,kayaking on Lake Windermere), the trip would givethese 10 young people a 'real Lake District experience' and enable them to gain the physical and mental benefits of the outdoors from this opportunity".
Wise UpWorkshopsare a community interest company based in Morecambe who offer young peoplean accessible and safe space for them to be ‘themselves’ without judgement. Through a whole range of activities, Wise up help to promote health, well being and confidence. We're seeing anxiety in young people grow year on year, so CIC's providing this kind of safe environment for those that need it is becomming ever more important so we can make lasting and positive experiences.
Elspeth Roberts, founder of Wise Up Workshops got in touch with us at the Alpkit Foundationto tell us her plans for a residential weekend to expand on their current offerings. We know all too well that the ability to take the young folk on their first real 'Lake District experience' could have huge impact on their lives, creating lasting memories that could open them up to being more confident in themselves as well as building skills for the future.
Elspeth told us about the kind of 8-17 year olds that she'd want to take on the trip.
"10 young people from disadvantaged backgrounds such as; Young carers,those experiencingpoverty,bereavement/loss,affected by life-threatening illness,mental health issues andadditional needs such as autism,and young people affected by bullying."
We couldn't think of a better cause to support can't wait to hear all about the trip!