Big Shakeout 2017: The Big Shakedown
It’s incredible to think that the Big Shakeout is over for another year (although we probably won’t stop talking about it for a while). After months of planning, the weekend always seems to pass in one big blur. But what blur it is! It's amazing to see so many of you coming along and getting stuck into celebrating adventure and the outdoors, learning something new, or just chilling out and getting into the spirit of the weekend.

Welcome to the Big Shakeout!
We’re all getting back into the swing of the day job here at AKHQ, although there are still some sleepy faces around the place (can it really be Wednesday already?!). Still, we couldn’t let another moment pass without running through our best bits and saying some very important ‘Thank Yous’
You lot!
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. You all make the Big Shakeout what it is. Year after year we are so chuffed to meet and reunite with such a lovely bunch of people. Even when it rained on Friday your enthusiasm was unwavering, and it was great to get the chance to get to know you all a bit better!
you may just end up winning tickets for BSO 2018 in our photo competition.
Shaker Makers
The Big Shakeout has always been the result of a huge team effort, but none of it would have been possible without the Shaker Maker volunteers. These guys give up their time to make sure everything runs like clockwork, they work incredibly hard, and they do it with smiles on their faces. It is brilliant to see some familiar faces on the Shaker Maker team too! (We'll see you agan next year right?)
Thornbridge Outdoors
We couldn’t run this event without Thornbridge Outdoors. Not only does the Big Shakeout take place on their beautiful site, but their expert instructors deliver a packed schedule of SofA courses throughout the weekend, teaching us new skills, taking us on adventures, and helping us to discover the Peak District. They also provided some amazing on-site activities, meaning that we can go on some adventures closer to home.

Thornbridge Outdoors put on so many on-site activities that you didn't have to wander very far from base to find an adventure!
Glossop Tri Club for taking us for a dip in open water

Ready for a day of adventure
Aleks Kashefi, who never fails to deliver on inspiration and epic tales

Tales of Daring-Do in the Lathkill room
Music is the beating heart of the Big Shakeout, it helps up to let out hair down and throw all kinds of crazy shapes! Thank you for throwing crazy shapes with us, and thank you to the wonderful bands and artists for making our party possible!
- Lila J
- Toffees
- Holy Moly and the Crackers
- Johanna Alba
- The Kentucky Cow Tippers
- The Wax Lyrical Sound
- Patawawa
- Jericho Rose
- Kog & the Zongo Brigade
- Tom McCartney
- Ben Miles