Small splashes to raise the sea

Small splashes to raise the sea

By Col Stocker

Small Splashes ripple out to inspire. In every school pool and riverbank, kids find joy in the water while learning to respect and protect it.

For the last three weeks we have shifted the focus of the Alpkit Foundation support to projects that are having an immediate impact on easing the difficulties facing many during these times.

We have been inundated with a large number of applications, which has just gone to highlight how people are prepared to step up, work together and help look after each other. It really is quite humbling to see the incredible work continuing to happen at food banks, homelessness charities, community projects and more.

So far we've been honoured to support over 23 projects. People committed and passionate about getting stuck into helping their local communities in whatever ways they can, even if it's just providing emotional support. We're also providing additional financial support to our furloughed staff members, helping out within their local area. Unfortunately we've not been able to help everyone, but will be continuing to receive and review applications over the coming weeks and even look back over previous ones.

We are all trying to make limited resources go far, which is why we took the decision to make smaller awards but across a number of projects. As we have seen with the Foundation even small steps, small splashes in a big pond, can make a massive difference to grass roots projects.

"We always say at Reuben's Retreat that every raindrop raises the sea." Lindsay Smith.
Our pot might not be the biggest out there and during the uncertain times we must make sure we're looking out for the welfare of our staff and their families. But by reaching more initiatives we hope to give a little back to the enormous effort so many are making.

Then looking forward, we will come out the other side and there will be many more projects needing support. We hope to be there, giving further help as everyone adjusts to normality once again.

Stay safe everyone!

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