Alpkit Foundation and The Notorious Bog shows us how swamps aren’t spooky—they’re bursting with life and mystery, inviting us to protect this delicate world.
The Notorious B.O.G, an unfortuante consequence of popularity.
We all love enjoying getting out on the trails and some, whether simplydue to easy access or shear breathtaking beauty, are incredibly popular. So comes the problem, if we want to be able to enjoy visiting these places then some landscapes just can't take the impact without our help. The BMC isaiming to combat erosion in iconic landscapes across the UK through its Mend Our Mountains appeal.The Alpkit Foundation were pleased to come in and help with one of the projects.
Cut Gate is afour mile long trail running through the Peak District and due to thehigh levels of popularity it has been seeing some severe water logging and erosion over the last few years. The original campaign to maintain and reduce further damage was kicked off by Chris ‘Keeper of the Peak’ Maloney with PeakDistrict MTB and Ride Sheffield, but were soon involving more of the trails regularusers. The BMC and its charity joined the campaign to repair Cut Gate and is one of the 13 main projectsof theirMend Our Mountains: Make One Million appeal.

The Alpkit Foundation were keen to support this project for a number of reasons. Not only is it on our doorstep and actionis vitalto stem the widening and worsening erosion, but itis proving to bea great example of a multi user campaign.
Carey Davies ofthe BMC explains a little.
‘it iswhere the community can come together to promote responsible use and instigate positive change’ bringing together bikers, walkers, climbers, horse riders and runners to hopefully secure the future and longevity of this popular trail.
You can find out more about the history of the project and how the BMC came on board to tackle the Notorious B.O.G

With the secured funding the main are offocus will be on the most waterlogged areas, improving drainage, resurfacing wet sections with stone-flags, and improving path sections, preparing badly eroded downhill sections.
To find out about more of the BMC's projects visit their Mend Our Mountains website.