Adaptive mountain bike or a two wheeled mountain bike, MTB4ALL at the Nevis Range on 25th and 26th of March 2023 organised by Vedangi Kulkarni is set to establish a inclusive and accessible race series.
MTB4ALL race series is looking to make mountain bike racing more accessible. Whether you’re on an adaptive mountain bike or a two wheeled mountain bike MTB4ALL is happening at the Nevis Range on 25th and 26th of March 2023.

Vedangi Kulkarni is organising this ambitious event to establish a well-known race series year after year, encouraging more folks, especially who wouldn’t normally race mountain bikes, to do more of that and create an enjoyable experience for everyone. The Alpkit Foundation were delighted to be able to offer some support to making it happen.
MTB4ALL is set to be an inclusive downhill race series, it will include categories for non binary folks and adapted mountain bikers. Alongside this they will be mixing up the track so that it’s accessible to all, without necessarily classing it as “easy”.
All profits from this race will be going to Wings For Life and spinal cord injury recovery fundraisers, as well as Lochaber Mountain Rescue.

Fresh from her 4th place at the recent Strathpuffer, Vedangi is now head down and focused on making this event a success. She gave a quick summary of how the course would work.
"The race will take place at Nevis Range, Fort William where we will be racing a combination of multiple tracks starting from the Oakley wall ride on the World Cup track, going across a river-gap feature (with a B line to its left) and onto the one dot track until it joins onto the 4X track. From there, racers will either ride down the rollable rock feature or go around it, along the jumps. The track finishes back on the World Cup track, after the final few drops.
Every feature on this track either has a B line or is rollable. The track has a suitable level of challenge for participants that are more experienced, and enough options around features for novice riders."

There are still tickets available to race, so get yourself signed up quick!. Just head over to the British Cycling website.
If you’d rather just soak up the atmosphere then head along and support the event.
The Alpkit Foundation have been delighted to provide funding towards some of the operational aspects. However, with just a few weeks till the event, they are still looking for further funding to make this race as enjoyable and as big a success as possible.
Please get in touch with Vedangi if you feel you can offer further support. Email : vedangi.12@icloud.com